Štěpán Pešout

About me

I'm a fullstack web app developer (NestJS, NextJS, PHP), machine learning enthusiast, traveller and technology minimalist currently living, working and studying in Prague, Czech Republic Buenos Aires, Argentina.

University projects

Work projects

Among other things, I've worked as part of a team at Appio on the web projects listed below.

My other work can be found on my GitHub, although I have a lot of old and outdated stuff there as well.

My travels

In addition to many small trips and a study internship in Portugal, in mid-2024 I went on an eight-month trip to Latin America, mainly to Argentina and Chile. You can watch our YouTube videos (in Czech) that document this journey. I have also written a practical guide to Easter Island.


You can email me at stepan@pesout.net or connect with me on LinkedIn.