Štěpán Pešout
Universidade de Évora
This project works with images and combines lossy and lossless compression techniques.
At first, the image is represented as a three-dimensional integer array, from which three two-dimensional arrays representing each of the color layers are extracted.
Then, two coefficients and an intercept are obtained using linear regression, so that the color values of the blue layer can be computed using only the red and green color layers.
In the red and green layers, similar values are then represented by their median. When iterating over the arrays, the frequencies of occurrence of each color shade in both layers are calculated.
The 256 color shades, for which the frequencies of occurrence are therefore known, serve as the "alphabet" for the Huffman tree construction. This makes it possible to create a dictionary and the original data is translated into binary code, then into an array of bytes, then into characters and stored in a file. The necessary information needed for decompression (color frequencies, regression coefficients, etc.) is also stored.
This work also includes a decompression algorithm that allows the image to be reconstructed. Clearly, due to the use of lossy compression techniques, the exact original image can no longer be restored.
import PIL.Image as pimg
import numpy as np
import sklearn.linear_model as lm
import statistics as st
import pandas as pd
– red color layergreen
– green color layerblue
– blue color layershow
determines if is the image shown or just returneddef buildImage(red, green, blue, show = True):
data = np.dstack((red, green, blue))
img = pimg.fromarray(np.uint8(np.array(data)))
if (show):
return img
def colorRegression (color1, color2, dependent):
regr = lm.LinearRegression()
independents = np.reshape(np.dstack(
(color1, color2)),
(len(color1) * len(color1[0]), 2
regr.fit(independents, dependent.flatten())
return [regr.coef_[0], regr.coef_[1], regr.intercept_]
– first color layer (usually the red one)color2
– second color layer )(usually the green one)color1_cf
is the coefficient for multiplying color1 valuescolor2_cf
is the coefficient for multiplying color2 valuesintercept
is the value to add after the multiplication
function returns computed values for the third layer (usually blue)
def computeLayer(color1, color2, color1_cf, color2_cf, intercept):
raw = color1 * color1_cf + color2 * color2_cf + intercept
# Round float values and eliminate negatives
return np.clip(np.around(raw).astype(int), 0, 1000)
is the color layermax_error
is the value which determines maximal difference of the layer values to be considered as the samefill_number
is the value to be inserted between two mediansdef medianize(layer, max_error, fill_number = None):
error = 0
anchor = layer[0][0] # The first layer value
queue = []
layer_flat = layer.flatten()
layer_len = len(layer_flat)
result = [] * layer_len
frequencies = [0] * 256 # frequencies[x] is the frequency of x in the layer
for idx, i in enumerate(layer_flat):
error = abs(int(i) - int(anchor))
# If is the difference too big
if (error > max_error or idx == layer_len - 1):
# True only for the last cycle run
if (idx == layer_len - 1):
anchor = i
# Median from the similar values
median = round(st.median(queue))
frequencies[median] += 1
# Fill the result layer
for m in range(len(queue) - 1):
# Previously declared value or median
if (fill_number == None):
frequencies[median] += 1
frequencies[fill_number] += 1
queue = []
return [
# Layer as the original-shaped 2D array
# Frequencies of the color values
def createNode (left, right, number, frequency):
return [left, right, number, frequency, ""]
def getLeft(node):
return node[0]
def getRight(node):
return node[1]
def getNumber(node):
return node[2]
def getFrequency(node):
return node[3]
def getCode(node):
return node[4]
def setCode(node, code):
node[4] = code
return node
is the list of frequencies of numbersdef createNodes(frequencies):
nodes = []
for f in range(len(frequencies)):
# If the frequency is zero
if (frequencies[f] == 0):
nodes.append(createNode(None, None, f, frequencies[f]))
return nodes
is the node arraydef getRarestNodes(nodes):
# Sort nodes ascendingly by their frequency
nodes = sorted(nodes, key = lambda n: getFrequency(n))
return [nodes[0], nodes[1]]
is the list of frequencies of numbersdef buildTree(frequencies):
nodes = createNodes(frequencies)
# While the nodes are not on their proper places
while len(nodes) > 1:
left, right = getRarestNodes(nodes)
# Assign code to the nodes
left = setCode(left, 0)
right = setCode(right, 1)
# Create the parent node for the nodes with the least frequencies
node = createNode(
getNumber(left) + getNumber(right), # Numbers have the role of alphabet sybmols, so they are strings
getFrequency(left) + getFrequency(right) # Sum of the both frequencies
# Nodes are copied to the proper place, so remove the old ones
# Append the newly created node to the node array
# Return the root node
return nodes[0]
is the root nodecode_prefix
is already retrieved code (when the function calls itself)nodes
is a list of already retrieved nodes to build the dictionarydef getDictionary(node, code_prefix = "", nodes = None):
previous_nodes = nodes
# This is typically true when calling the function from outside
if (nodes == None):
nodes = []
# Merge new code with the previous part
code = code_prefix + str(getCode(node))
left_node = getLeft(node)
right_node = getRight(node)
# If left node exists
# Get what is on the left and append it to the code
left_nodes = getDictionary(left_node, code, nodes)
if (left_nodes):
# If right node exists
# Get what is on the right and append it to the code
right_nodes = getDictionary(right_node, code, nodes)
if (right_nodes):
# If there are no prevous nodes and the dictionary is done
if (previous_nodes == None):
return dict(np.array(
sorted(nodes, key = lambda n: int(n[0]))
# If this node has no children
if(not left_node and not right_node):
return [getNumber(node), code]
is the color layerfrequencies
is the list of frequenciesdef layerToBinary(layer, frequencies):
# Build the Huffman tree and get the dictionary from it
tree = buildTree(frequencies)
dictionary = getDictionary(tree)
# Translate using the dictionary, join to the string, pack to the chunks, translate to decimal
return np.packbits(np.array(list("".join(
is the file namebinary
is the array of the values to savedef saveCompressed(name, binary):
# Data is saved as a .small file
file = open(name + ".small", "wb")
is the list of frequencieswidth
of the original imageheight
of the original imagered_regr_coefficient
is a number for multiplying values of the red layer to get the blue onegreen_regr_coefficient
is a number for multiplying values of the green layer to get the blue oneregr_intercept
is a number to add after the multiplication to get the blue layer valuesdef saveRecipe(frequencies, width, height, red_regr_coefficient, green_regr_coefficient, regr_intercept):
recipe = np.array([
["fq", frequencies],
["w", width],
["h", height],
["rc", red_regr_coefficient],
["gc", green_regr_coefficient],
["ic", regr_intercept]
], dtype = object)
# The recipe is saved as a .small.npy file
np.save(IMAGE + ".small", recipe)
is the file namedef loadCompressed(name):
recipe = dict(np.load(IMAGE + ".npy", allow_pickle = True))
img_small = open(IMAGE, "rb")
# Get binary from the compressed file
binary = np.unpackbits(np.frombuffer(bytearray(img_small.read()), dtype=np.uint8))
return [binary, recipe]
is the array of bitsdictionary
for the translationdef translateBinary(binary, dictionary):
buffer = ""
layer = []
for i in binary:
buffer += str(i)
# If the code exists in the dictionary
if buffer in dictionary:
buffer = ""
return layer
is the color layerrecipe
is the recipe array for decompressiondef forwardFillLayer(layer, recipe):
# Replace zeros by the previous value (median)
replaced = pd.DataFrame(np.array(layer)).replace(to_replace = "0", method = "ffill")
# Reshape the array accoring to the image width and height
return np.array(replaced).flatten().astype(int).reshape(recipe["h"], recipe["w"])
# ---------------- SETTINGS ----------------
# Image to compress
IMAGE = "lenna.png"
# Value which determining maximal difference of the layer values to be considered as the same
# High value means poor quality, but small size of the compressed file and vice versa
# ------------------------------------------
# Get the image and split into layers
img = np.array(pimg.open(IMAGE))
red = img[:,:,0]
green = img[:,:,1]
blue = img[:,:,2]
# Get the regression coefficients and the intercept
red_cf, green_cf, intercept = colorRegression(red, green, blue)
# Replace similar values and get the frequency arrays
red_med, red_freq = medianize(red, MAX_ERROR, 0)
green_med, green_freq = medianize(green, MAX_ERROR, 0)
# Compress the layers using the Huffman algorithm
binary = layerToBinary(
np.array([red_med, green_med]),
red_freq + green_freq
saveCompressed(IMAGE, binary)
saveRecipe(red_freq + green_freq, len(red[0]), len(red), red_cf, green_cf, intercept)
# Count sizes and its ratio
uncomp_size = (len(red) * len(red[0]) * 3) / 1000
comp_size = len(binary) / 1000
ratio = round((comp_size / uncomp_size) * 100, 2)
print("Uncompressed size: " + str(uncomp_size) + " kilobytes")
print("Compressed size: " + str(comp_size) + " kilobytes (" + str(ratio) + " %)")
Uncompressed size: 786.432 kilobytes Compressed size: 184.769 kilobytes (23.49 %)
# ---------------- SETTINGS ----------------
# Image to decompress
IMAGE = "lenna.png.small"
# ------------------------------------------
binary, recipe = loadCompressed(IMAGE)
tree = buildTree(recipe["fq"])
dictionary = getDictionary(tree)
layer = translateBinary(
dict(zip(dictionary.values(), dictionary.keys())) # Reversed dictionary
image_size = recipe["w"] * recipe["h"]
red = forwardFillLayer(layer[: image_size], recipe)
green = forwardFillLayer(layer[image_size : 2 * image_size], recipe)
blue_regr = computeLayer(red, green, recipe["rc"], recipe["gc"], recipe["ic"])
buildImage(red, green, blue_regr, False)